Mr. Bean Find Teddy Bears

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L.chơi 163
Tải 469
D.lượng 1.35 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 700
Cao 500
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Mr. Bean Find Teddy Bears is a free online kids and hidden object game. That is 15 hidden Teddy Bears on 5 levels. Use mouse and click on the...

Mr. Bean Find Teddy Bears is a free online kids and hidden object game. That is 15 hidden Teddy Bears on 5 levels. Use mouse and click on the Teddy Bears when you see one. The time is limited so be fast and find all hidden Teddy Bears before time runs out. You have 2 minutes for each picture and you can do 5 mistakes. If you do more mistakes the game will be over. So, if you are ready start the game and have fun!

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